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Simple Steps To Promoting Your Facebook Fan Page
January 18th, 2011

11 Simple to steps to promoting your Facebook fan page.

For more information on how social media can benefit your business please take a look at Knowall Media

  1. Setup Your Facebook Fan Page

    When setting up a Facebook fan page make sure to add as much information about your company as possible. Area, Images, Logo etc..

  2. Invite Your Friends

    Most people have a Facebook page. Start promoting your fan page by sending a personal invite to your friends.

  3. Keep Your Fan Page Fresh

    Facebook is a viral site, when someone interacts with your page it could appear on their personal wall promoting your fan page.

  4. Link To Your Fan page

    Create links to your Facebook fan page on your Website & All other promotional outlets eg. Email stationery, business cards, and newsletters. Also Add “Like” & “Recommend” buttons throughout your website.

  5. Feed Content To Your Page

    Feed content from all your online media to your Facebook page Eg. Link your blog directly to your Facebook fan page giving a constant feed of information to your fans linking back to your main site.

  6. Create An Incentive To Join Your Page

    There are many Facebook pages out there, so you have to give people a reason to become a fan of yours. Have a monthly prize just for your fans, offer a discount to an upcoming event. A great example – Buty Salon; Offer a free day spa to the winner of Buty Salons Face of Fulham competition.

  7. Interact With Your Fans

    If a fan leaves a comment or asks a question, respond. Are they on twitter? Follow them. Build trust and friendship with fans by interacting on a more personal level.

  8. Change Your Facebook URL

    Every few weeks check to see if Facebook will grant you a SEO friendly URL eg. this is very important and you will then be listed in their search function! ( Note: they will only issue you this once your site has a few fans and is being updated)

  9. Spread The Responsibility

    Give your staff admin access to your fan page so information is kept fresh.

  10. Facebook Ads

    Facebook’s adverting program allows you to target a very specific audience due to the fact it has so much information about users (24-36 Females that live in London & love the band U2!). Its pay per click so it’s not very expensive.

  11. Don’t Spam

    Once you have a nice following DONT spam! No one likes there wall feed spammed with the same offers.

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